About Us

PT Sadhana Ekapraya Amitra

Every retail food business is different and unique. Crucial success factors like store location, customer traffic can make or break any business. The enormous commitment, innovation required to create a successful retail business, there’s often little time left over to think about Freshness and Quality of food.

Established in 1991, PT. SADHANA EKAPRAYA AMITRA has been building it’s business in refrigerator and freezer that performed very well in public and private sectors on maintaining freshness, such as Juice Dispenser, Commercial, Food Product, Cake Display, Beverage, and Blood Banking. The company can assist with suitable refrigerator equipment to meet the specific required temperature of different food.

Established in 1991, PT. SADHANA EKAPRAYA AMITRA has been building it’s business in refrigerator and freezer that performed very well in public and private sectors on maintaining freshness, such as Juice Dispenser, Commercial, Food Product, Cake Display, Beverage, and Blood Banking. The company can assist with suitable refrigerator equipment to meet the specific required temperature of different food.

“Kami berkomitmen untuk menghadirkan produk yang ramah lingkungan, dengan penggunaan energi yang efisien dan bahan baku yang berkelanjutan. Bersama-sama, kita jaga bumi untuk generasi mendatang.”



Vending Machine

Satria Pakarti Sukses

Sewa/Rental Freezer

Lima Satria Pratama

Cold Storage

PIT Elektronik

Service & Spareparts

Our Client

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